Compare commits
1 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
d5ecd49be8 |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"dude": {
"name": "Krasser Dude",
"trail_name": "dud",
"birth_year": "1950",
"organization": "Bund der krassen Dudes"
"kumpel": {
"name": "Krasser Kumpel",
"trail_name": "dudekumpel",
"death_year": "2050",
"organization": "Bund der krassen Kumpels"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"a-song-id": {
"title": "Krasse Vorlage",
"composer": "kumpel",
"poet": "dude"
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
\version "2.25.8"
\include "../../lilypond-custom-includes/"
#(set! paper-alist (cons '("testformat" . (cons (* 176 mm) (* 15 mm))) paper-alist))
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "testformat")
\bookpart {
\header {
authors = #'(
("kumpelerbe" text melody))
year_text = "1600"
year_melody = "1600"
\markup { \print-songinfo }
\bookpart {
\header {
authors = #'(
("kumpel" text melody))
year_text = "1600"
year_melody = "1800"
\markup { \print-songinfo }
\bookpart {
\header {
authors = #'(
("kumpel" text melody))
year_melody = "1800"
\markup { \print-songinfo }
\bookpart {
\header {
year_text = "1500"
authors = #'(
("kumpel" text))
\markup { \print-songinfo }
\bookpart {
\header {
authors = #'(
("kumpel" melody))
\markup { \print-songinfo }
\bookpart {
\header {
authors = #'(
("kumpel" melody)
("dude" text composition melody))
\markup { \print-songinfo }
\bookpart {
\header {
authors = #'(
("kumpel" (verse 1))
("dude" melody (voice 1) (voice 2)))
\markup { \print-songinfo }
\bookpart {
\header {
authors = #'(
("kumpel" text (verse 2))
("dude" (verse 2) (verse 3)))
\markup { \print-songinfo }
\bookpart {
\header {
authors = #'(
("kumpel" text (voice 2) (voice 3))
("dude" (voice 2) (voice 3))
("nocheiner" (voice 4)))
\markup { \print-songinfo }
\bookpart {
\header {
year_composition = "2001"
year_melody = "1901"
authors = #'(
("kumpel" text composition)
("dude" composition))
\markup { \print-songinfo }
\bookpart {
\header {
authors = #'(
("kumpel" interlude)
("dude" bridge)
("" melody))
\markup { \print-songinfo }
\bookpart {
\header {
year_melody = "1800"
year_translation = "2010"
authors = #'(
("kumpel" translation)
("dude" text (meloverse 1))
("" melody))
\markup { \print-songinfo }
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
\version "2.25.8"
%songStyle = #'büdel
\include "../../lilypond-custom-includes/"
\include "../../lilypond-song-includes/liedbausteine/"
HEADER = \bookpart {
\paper {
%page-count = #1 % dieser Befehl quetscht alles auf diese Seitenanzahl
%markup-system-spacing.padding = 4 %Abstand zwischen Titel und Noten
%top-system-spacing.padding = 6 %Abstand zwischen Seitenrand und obersten Notensystem (wenn was anderes da steht wie z.B. Titel/ Text, greift das nicht) gut um z.B. noten auf der zweiten Seite runter zu machen
#(layout-set-staff-size 13) %Größe ändern
\header {
titlesize = 11
titletopspace = 2
categories = "see"
\transposeGlobal d e
\new ChoirStaff = "firstStaff"
\new Voice = "firstVoice" { << \firstVoice { s4 \repeat unfold 4 { s1 } \break } >> }
\addlyrics { \firstVerse }
\addlyrics { \secondVerse }
TEXT = \markuplist
%\fontsize #-1 %Text in den Strophen kleiner
%\vspace #1.5 %Abstand zwischen Strophen
\group-verses {
\override #'(verse-vspace . 0.8) %abstand der Verse voneinander kleiner
\chordverse #(stanza 3) \thirdVerseMarkup
\nochordverse \ref \fourthVerseMarkup
\group-verses {
\vspace #5
\nochordverse #(stanza 5) \fifthVerseMarkup
\nochordverse #(stanza 6) \sixthVerseMarkup
\nochordverse #(stanza 7) \seventhVerseMarkup
\override #'(verse-cols . 2) %Spalten
%\override #'(verse-ordering-horizontal . #t) % Verse horizontal fortlaufend anordnen
% \override #'(verse-hspace . -5) %Abstand zwischen Spalten geringer
%\translate #'(2 . 0) %das nächste was er printed, printed er nicht dahin wo es eigentlich hinkommt sondern verschiebt es um (x.y)
\group-verses {
\override #`(verse-break-voice . ,#{ s4 \repeat unfold 2 { s1 } \break #})
\chordlyrics \secondVerse
\chordverse #(stanza 8) \columnVerseMarkup
\chordverse #(stanza 9) \columnVerseMarkup
\override #'(intraverse-vspace . 3) % Abstand der Zeilen eines Verses vergrößern
\chordverse #(stanza 10) \columnVerseMarkup
\chordverse #"XI." \columnVerseMarkup
\override #'(custom-verse-breaks "Strophen" "auch" "krass")
\chordverse #(stanza 11) \columnVerseMarkup
\group-verses {
%\override #'(baseline-skip . 1) %Damit verändert man den Abstand der Notenzeilen
\chordverse #""
#"(,\\repeats-around-chords { a:m c } d)"
\score {
\chords { \repeats-around-chords { a4:m c } d }
\layout { \generalLayout }
\fret-chord #"x;2;4;4;4;o;" #"h:"
\include "../../lilypond-common-includes/"
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
\version "2.25.8"
\version "2.18.0"
%songStyle = #'büdel
\include "../../lilypond-custom-includes/"
%#(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'portrait) %Seitenformat ändern
HEADER = \bookpart {
@ -11,9 +9,6 @@ HEADER = \bookpart {
%page-count = #1 % dieser Befehl quetscht alles auf diese Seitenanzahl
%markup-system-spacing.padding = 4 %Abstand zwischen Titel und Noten
%top-system-spacing.padding = 6 %Abstand zwischen Seitenrand und obersten Notensystem (wenn was anderes da steht wie z.B. Titel/ Text, greift das nicht) gut um z.B. noten auf der zweiten Seite runter zu machen
%#(layout-set-staff-size 13) %Größe ändern
%print-page-number = ##f %keine Seitenzahlen drucken
%system-system-spacing.padding = 1 %verändert den Abstand zwischen zwei Systemen
\header {
@ -21,11 +16,8 @@ HEADER = \bookpart {
alttitle = "Alternativtitel"
titlesize = 11
titletopspace = 2
authors = #'(
("dude" melody)
("kumpel" text))
year_text = "2020"
year_melody = "2021"
poetId = "dude"
composerId = "dude"
copyright = "Fumpeverlag"
categories = "see"
songinfo = "Hintergrund
@ -38,6 +30,8 @@ HEADER = \bookpart {
LAYOUT = \layout {
% #(layout-set-staff-size 13) %alles kleiner machen
% #(define fonts (default-pango (- globalSize 1))) %Notengröße kleiner machen
@ -115,10 +109,7 @@ MUSIC =
e \once \set chordChanges = ##f e %gleichbl. Akkord sichtbar machen
\new ChoirStaff = "firstStaff" \with {
%\override StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing.padding = #0
%\override StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing.basic-distance = #1
\new ChoirStaff = "firstStaff"
\new Voice = "firstVoice" { \firstVoice }
\addlyrics { \firstVerse }
@ -154,7 +145,6 @@ TEXT = \markuplist
\\repStart deswegen \\concat{ \\underline { wer } den } die hier mittels \\bold { nochordverse } automatisch
entfernt! \\repStop"
\group-verses {
\vspace #5
@ -177,7 +167,6 @@ TEXT = \markuplist
Anführungszeichen sind so „ und so “"
\override #'(verse-cols . 2) %Spalten
%\override #'(verse-ordering-horizontal . #t) % Verse horizontal fortlaufend anordnen
% \override #'(verse-hspace . -5) %Abstand zwischen Spalten geringer
%\translate #'(2 . 0) %das nächste was er printed, printed er nicht dahin wo es eigentlich hinkommt sondern verschiebt es um (x.y)
\group-verses {
@ -209,12 +198,6 @@ TEXT = \markuplist
\layout { \generalLayout }
\chordverse #""
#"(,\\repeats-around-chords { a:m c } d)"
\score {
\chords { \repeats-around-chords { a4:m c } d }
\layout { \generalLayout }
\fret-chord #"x;2;4;4;4;o;" #"h:"
@ -5,12 +5,9 @@
HEADER = \bookpart {
\header {
title = "Titel"
starttext = "Liedanfang"
authors = #'(
("" ))
year_text = ""
year_melody = ""
infotext = ""
songId = "a-song-id"
categories = ""
songinfo = "wasauchimmer"
@ -32,8 +29,6 @@ firstVoice = \relative c' {
\bar "|."
verseChords = \chordmode { c }
\chords {
@ -46,7 +41,7 @@ MUSIC = {
TEXT = \markuplist {
\group-verses {
\chordverse #"2."
@ -6,11 +6,8 @@ HEADER = \bookpart {
\header {
title = "Chorsatz"
alttitle = ""
authors = #'(
("dude" melody text)
("kumpel" composition))
year_text = ""
year_melody = ""
composerId = "dude"
songId = "a-song-id"
categories = ""
songinfo = ""
@ -15,13 +15,11 @@ songPath = "../../lieder"
%Liedteil -> hier werden alle Lieder inkludiert
%Reihenfolge im Liederbuch: Von oben nach unten
\includeSong "sandbox"
\includeSong "vorlage"
\includeSong "vorlage_light"
\imagepage #125 "see.eps"
\includeSong "vorlage_satz"
%Zur Übersichtlichkeit:
@ -96,25 +94,6 @@ songPath = "../../lieder"
% die Liederausgabe
\bookpart {
\markuplist {
\index-in-columns-with-title #'categories \column {
\fontsize #5 \sans \bold \fill-line { \null "Inhaltsverzeichnis nach Kategorien" \null }
\vspace #1
\bookpart {
\markuplist {
\index-in-columns-with-title #'authors \column {
\fontsize #5 \sans \bold \fill-line { \null "Autorenverzeichnis" \null }
\vspace #1
% Inhaltsverzeichnis
\bookpart {
\indexSection #"A" \markup { "A" }
@ -143,19 +122,11 @@ songPath = "../../lieder"
\indexSection #"X" \markup { "X" }
\indexSection #"Y" \markup { "Y" }
\indexSection #"Z" \markup { "Z" }
\markuplist {
\index-in-columns-with-title #'alphabetical \column {
\fontsize #5 \sans \bold \fill-line { \null "Inhaltsverzeichnis" \null }
\vspace #.5
\justify {
Da die allermeisten Lieder unter verschiedenen Namen bekannt sind,
wollen wir euch ein Inhaltsverzeichnis an die Hand geben, mit dem ihr hoffentlich auf verschiedene Arten fündig werdet.
Die Liedtitel, die auch die Überschriften sind, findet ihr normal gedruckt.
Alle weiteren Alternativtitel oder Liedanfänge sind zur Unterscheidung kursiv gedruckt.
\vspace #1
\markuplist { \colindex }
\bookpart {
\markuplist { \categoryindex }
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 15c27c271fb24c2a6e95cafdca7f40fbc65d3b78
Subproject commit 55db0e0e311861af1c33c4d2f99cec59600120d8
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
#(ly:set-option 'relative-includes #t)
defaultSongStyle = #'börnel
customStyleOverridesFile = "../lilypond-custom-includes/"
\include ""
\include "../lilypond-common-includes/"
AUTHOR_DATA = #(call-with-input-file "../../data/authors.json" json->scm)
SONG_DATA = #(call-with-input-file "../../data/songs.json" json->scm)
@ -2,4 +2,3 @@ customChordPrintings = {
<h dis' fis' e''>-\markup { \small "add11" }
<a cis' gis' h'>-\markup { \small "maj9" }
songFormatAndSize = "a4"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
tocSubtitleText = \markup \column {
\fontsize #5 \sans \bold \fill-line { \null \fromproperty #'index:text \null }
\vspace #.5
\justify {
Da die allermeisten Lieder unter verschiedenen Namen bekannt sind,
wollen wir euch ein Inhaltsverzeichnis an die Hand geben, mit dem ihr hoffentlich auf verschiedene Arten fündig werdet.
Die Liedtitel, die auch die Überschriften sind, findet ihr normal gedruckt.
Alle weiteren Alternativtitel oder Liedanfänge sind zur Unterscheidung kursiv gedruckt.
\vspace #1
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
birth_year: '1950'
name: Krasser Dude
organization: Bund der krassen Dudes
trail_name: dud
death_year: '2050'
name: Krasser Kumpel
organization: Bund der krassen Kumpels
trail_name: dudekumpel
inherits: kumpel
organization: Bund der crazy Kumpels
death_year: '2050'
name: Jemand anderes
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
composer: kumpel
poet: dude
title: Krasse Vorlage
@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
\version "2.25.8"
\include "../../lilypond-common-includes/"
basicSongInfo = \header {
title = "Liedtitel"
alttitle = "Alternativtitel"
authors = #'(
("kumpel" melody)
("dude" text composition))
infotext = "
Also zu der Sandbox gibts echt verdammt viel zu sagen, aber wär zu krass das hier alles reinzuschreiben. Zum Testen muss hier aber mal viel stehen, damit man das mit dem automatischen Zeilenumbruch gut sieht und das mit den Abständen gut debuggen kann.
Sogar manuelle Zeilenumbrüche gehen hier."
copyright = "Fumpeverlag"
translation = "sandkasten"
pronunciation = "wie mans spricht halt"
year_text = "2023"
year_melody = "2012"
global = {
\time 4/4
\key c \major
firstVerse = \lyricmode {
Hier \repeat unfold 6 { _ } ist der Text für Stro -- phe eins. \set ignoreMelismata = ##t \unset ignoreMelismata % Bindebögen irgnorieren
secondVerse = \lyricmode {
#(stanza 2)
Mit _ ü -- ber -- springt man No -- ten. \markup { \bold { fett! krass } }
"Mehrere Silben" auf ei -- ne No -- te. Me -- lis -- ma -- \set ignoreMelismata = ##t ta aus \unset ignoreMelismata und wieder an
firstVoice = \relative c' {
%\clef "bass" % Bassschlüssel
\partial 4 % Auftakt
a'4 % mit ' und , oktaviert man
\repeat volta 2 { % Wiederholung
d,4 e fis g
a8 a (a) a d,4~d % Bindebögen
<< { \voiceTwo
g4. c,8 c4 d
\new Voice { \voiceOne \secondVoiceStyle
g4. g8 g4 f
>> \oneVoice
\alternative { %Klammer eins und zwei
{e2. a4}
{e2. r4}
e2^\markup \bold "I. hier einsetzen!" (f)
e1 \mark \markup { \italic { fine } }
a1_\markup { \italic Zwischenspiel } a1
\once \override Score.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f \time 2/4 %unsichtbarer Taktwechsel (ansonsten nur \time macht sichtbaren Taktwechsel)
a2 <a c>2
r2 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility = #end-of-line-visible
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
\mark "D.C. al Fine"
\bar "|."
bridge = \relative c' {
\time 3/4
a4 h c a h c
bridgeVerse = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "Bridge:"
Das hier ist ei -- ne Bridge
verseChords = \chordmode {
s4 d2 h:m fis:m b g1 \klamm{a2. d4} c1/h
e \once \set chordChanges = ##f e %gleichbl. Akkord sichtbar machen
songChords = \chords { \verseChords }
bridgeChords = \chords { a2:m a:m a:m a:m }
thirdVerseMarkup =
"Test (Akk,a:m)orde (ü,a:1.3.7+.9)ber den (Stro,d:m)phen (test)
\\repStart sind (sup,e)er \\underline {(cpjl,a:m)} \\repStop
und (sie,a:m) sind (jetzt,\\klamm{d:m}) auch (klam,\\klamm { d })mer(bar,\\klamm g)
\\italic { hier i(s,fis)t mal was (kur,d:m)siv } – das k(lLA,g:m)pt (je,a)tzt"
fourthVerseMarkup =
"Hier ist leider nicht genug (Platz,g)
für (Akk,a:m)orde über den (Stro,d:m)phen
\\repStart deswegen \\concat{ \\underline { wer } den } die hier mittels \\bold { nochordverse } automatisch
entfernt! \\repStop"
fifthVerseMarkup =
"Hier geht die 5. Strophe los, die zusammen mit der 6. und 7. auf
eine Seite soll"
sixthVerseMarkup =
"Strophen in einer \\concat{\\char ##x5C group-verses} Umgebung werden aneinander
ausgerichtet und auf der Seite zentriert.
Man beachte auch wie widerlich der Backslash
vor group-verses eingegeben werden muss!
Falls ihr mal runde (Klammern) braucht: \\concat{\\char ##x28 Klammer} auf und Klammer \\concat{zu \\char ##x29 }"
seventhVerseMarkup =
"Wir achten bitte auch auf typografisch korrekte Zeichen.
Ein deutsches Apostroph sieht so aus ’ und nicht so '
Ein Gedankenstrich, wie er auch zur Trennung von Jahreszahlen
genutzt wird ist so – und nicht so -
Anführungszeichen sind so „ und so “"
columnVerseMarkup =
"Stro(phen,a:m) können jetzt auch in (Spal,f)ten!
Voll (krass,e) (eh,a:m)!"
\new Voice { \bridge }
\addlyrics { \bridgeVerse }
bridgeverse = \markup {
\score {
\layout { \generalLayout }
\new ChoirStaff = "firstStaff"
\new Voice = "firstVoice" { \firstVoice }
\addlyrics { \firstVerse }
\addlyrics { \secondVerse }
TEXT = \markuplist
\group-verses {
\chordverse #(stanza 3) \thirdVerseMarkup
\chordverse #(stanza 4) \fourthVerseMarkup
\chordverse #(stanza 5) \fifthVerseMarkup
\group-verses {
\chordverse #(stanza 6) \sixthVerseMarkup
\chordverse #(stanza 7) \seventhVerseMarkup
\chordverse #(stanza 8) \columnVerseMarkup
\include "../../lilypond-common-includes/"
@ -1,988 +0,0 @@
Created by Frescobaldi 3.2.
Every snippet is represented by:
title: title text
shortcuts: list of shortcut elements, every shortcut is a key sequence
body: the snippet text
The snippet id attribute can be the name of a builtin snippet or a random
name like 'n123456'. In the latter case, the title is used to determine
whether a snippet is new or updated.
<snippet id="n935672">
<title>Abstand </title>
<shortcuts />
<snippet id="n258882">
<title>Abstand Seitenrand/oberstes Notensystem</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>HEADER = \bookpart {
\paper {
top-system-spacing.padding = 6 %Abstand zwischen Seitenrand und obersten Notensystem (wenn was anderes da steht wie z.B. Titel/ Text, greift das nicht) gut um z.B. noten auf der zweiten Seite runter zu machen
<snippet id="n776888">
<title>Abstand Titel/Noten</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>% nach HEADER = \bookpart {
\paper {
markup-system-spacing.padding = 2
<snippet id="n471680">
<title>Abstand Titel/oberer Seitenrand</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>%titletopspace = 1 % nach titlesize</body>
<snippet id="titlecase">
<title>Auswahl der Groß-/Kleinschreibung des Titels</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- python; selection: yes, keep;
text = text.title()
<snippet id="uppercase">
<title>Auswahl zu Großbuchstaben</title>
<body>-*- python; selection: yes, keep;
text = text.upper()
<snippet id="lowercase">
<title>Auswahl zu Kleinbuchstaben</title>
<body>-*- python; selection: yes, keep;
text = text.lower()
<snippet id="template_leadsheet">
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- template; template-run;
\header {
title = ""
global = {
\time 4/4
\key c \major
\tempo 4=100
chordNames = \chordmode {
melody = \relative c'' {
c4 d e f
words = \lyricmode {
\score {
\new ChordNames \chordNames
\new FretBoards \chordNames
\new Staff { \melody }
\addlyrics { \words }
\layout { }
\midi { }
<snippet id="template_blank_sheet_music_paper">
<title>Blank Music Sheet</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- template; indent: no; template-run;
\version "${LILYPOND_VERSION}"
\repeat unfold 12${CURSOR}
\layout {
\context {
\remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\context {
\remove "Clef_engraver"
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\remove "Bar_engraver"
\paper {
indent = 0
ragged-last-bottom = ##f
top-system-spacing = #'((minimum-distance . 10))
last-bottom-spacing = #'((minimum-distance . 10))
\header {
tagline = ##f
<snippet id="template_choir_hymn">
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- template; template-run;
\header {
title = ""
global = {
\time 4/4
\key c \major
\tempo 4=100
soprano = \relative c'' {
alto = \relative c' {
tenor = \relative c' {
bass = \relative c {
verseOne = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1."
verseTwo = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "2."
verseThree = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "3."
\score {
\new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff \with {
midiInstrument = "choir aahs"
instrumentName = \markup \center-column { S A }
} <<
\new Voice = "soprano" { \voiceOne \soprano }
\new Voice = "alto" { \voiceTwo \alto }
\new Lyrics \with {
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-affinity = #CENTER
} \lyricsto "soprano" \verseOne
\new Lyrics \with {
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-affinity = #CENTER
} \lyricsto "soprano" \verseTwo
\new Lyrics \with {
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-affinity = #CENTER
} \lyricsto "soprano" \verseThree
\new Staff \with {
midiInstrument = "choir aahs"
instrumentName = \markup \center-column { T B }
} <<
\clef bass
\new Voice = "tenor" { \voiceOne \tenor }
\new Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo \bass }
\layout { }
\midi { }
<snippet id="quotes_s">
<title>Einzelne typografische Anführungszeichen</title>
<body>-*- menu: text; python;
import lasptyqu
left, right = lasptyqu.preferred().secondary
if text:
text = left + text + right
text = [left, CURSOR, right]
<snippet id="uncomment">
<shortcut>Ctrl+Alt+C, Ctrl+Alt+U</shortcut>
<body>-*- python; indent: no; menu: comment;
import re
def main():
text = globals()['text']
# determine state
for s in state[::-1]:
if s in ('lilypond', 'html', 'scheme'):
s = 'lilypond'
def html(text):
if text:
text = text.replace('<!-- ', '')
text = text.replace(' -->', '')
text = text.replace('<!--', '')
text = text.replace('-->', '')
return text
def lilypond(text):
if text.lstrip().startswith('%{'):
if text.lstrip().startswith('%{ '):
text = text.lstrip()[3:]
text = text.lstrip()[2:]
if text.rstrip().endswith('%}'):
text = text.rstrip()[:-2]
if not text:
text = cursor.selection().toPlainText()
text = re.compile(r'^(\s*)%+ ?', re.M).sub(r'\1', text)
return text
def scheme(text):
return re.compile(r'^(\s*);+', re.M).sub(r'\1', text)
if s == 'lilypond':
text = lilypond(text)
elif s == 'html':
text = html(text)
elif s == 'scheme':
text = scheme(text)
if text != cursor.selection().toPlainText():
<snippet id="color_dialog">
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: col; python; icon: applications-graphics;
# Insert a color from a dialog
import inputdialog
colors = {
(0, 0, 0): "black",
(255, 255, 255): "white",
(255, 0, 0): "red",
(0, 255, 0): "green",
(0, 0, 255): "blue",
(0, 255, 255): "cyan",
(255, 0, 255): "magenta",
(255, 255, 0): "yellow",
(128, 128, 128): "grey",
(128, 0, 0): "darkred",
(0, 128, 0): "darkgreen",
(0, 0, 128): "darkblue",
(0, 128, 128): "darkcyan",
(128, 0, 128): "darkmagenta",
(128, 128, 0): "darkyellow",
color = inputdialog.getColor(view)
if color is not None:
rgb = color.getRgb()[:-1]
if rgb in colors:
text = '#' + colors[rgb]
rgb = tuple(map(lambda v: format(v / 255.0, ".4"), rgb))
text = "#(rgb-color {0} {1} {2})".format(*rgb)
<snippet id="n043320">
<title>Fretchord bauen</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>\group-verses {
\vspace #2
\nochordverse #"5."
#" "
\fret-chord #"x;o;1;2;1;2;" #"a:dim7"
<snippet id="n976505">
<shortcuts />
<body>categories = "fahrt geschunkel ost"
% abend anti fahrt feier geschunkel herz irisch jahr jiddisch kanon medi morgen nord ost reisser russisch satz see trist volk Wandern
% bis zu drei Kategorien</body>
<snippet id="no_tagline">
<title>Keine Tagline</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: nt; python; menu: properties;
text = 'tagline = ##f'
if state[-1] != 'header':
text = '\\header {\n%s\n}' % text
<snippet id="no_barnumbers">
<title>Keine Taktzahlen</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: nb; python; menu: properties;
text = r'\remove "Bar_number_engraver"'
if state[-1] not in ('context', 'with'):
text = '\\context {\n\\Score\n%s\n}' % text
if state[-1] != 'layout':
text = '\\layout {\n%s\n}' % text
<snippet id="last_note">
<title>Letzte Note oder Akkord</title>
<body>-*- python; menu: music; symbol: note_ellipsis;
# This snippet reads back the last entered note or chord and
# inserts it again. It removes the octave mark from a note of the first
# note of a chord if the music is in relative mode.
import lydocument
import ly.lex.lilypond as lp
# space needed before cursor?
block = cursor.document().findBlock(cursor.selectionStart())
beforecursor = block.text()[:cursor.selectionStart()-block.position()]
spaceneeded = bool(beforecursor and beforecursor[-1] not in "\t ")
chordstart, chordend = None, None
notestart = None
relative = False
found = False
c = lydocument.cursor(cursor)
runner =, True)
for t in runner.backward():
if t == '\\relative':
relative = True
elif isinstance(t, (lp.Score, lp.Book, lp.BookPart, lp.Name)):
if found:
if chordend is not None:
if isinstance(t, lp.ChordStart):
chordstart = runner.position()
found = True
if isinstance(t, lp.ChordEnd):
chordend = runner.position() + len(t)
elif isinstance(t, lp.Note) and t not in ('R' ,'q', 's', 'r'):
notestart = runner.position()
found = True
if found:
if chordstart is not None:
text = []
removeOctave = 1 if relative else 0
c.start, c.end = chordstart, chordend
for t in lydocument.Source(c):
# remove octave from first pitch in relative
if isinstance(t, lp.Note):
removeOctave -= 1
elif isinstance(t, lp.Octave) and removeOctave == 0:
text = ''.join(text)
elif notestart is not None:
text = []
c.start, c.end = notestart, None
for t in lydocument.Source(c):
if isinstance(t, lp.Note):
elif not relative and isinstance(t, lp.Octave):
text = ''.join(text)
if spaceneeded:
text = " " + text
<snippet id="midi_tempo">
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: mt; python;
text = ['tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment ', CURSOR, '100 4)']
if state[-1] not in ('context', 'with'):
text = ['\\context {\n\\Score\n'] + text + ['\n}']
if state[-1] != 'midi':
text = ['\\midi {\n'] + text + ['\n}']
<snippet id="m22">
<title>Moderne Taktart</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: 22;
\time 2/2</body>
<snippet id="times23">
<body>-*- menu: blocks; selection: strip;
\tuplet 3/2 { $SELECTION }</body>
<snippet id="n829189">
<title>Note in Klammern</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>\parenthesize d</body>
<snippet id="staff_size">
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: ss; python;
if state[-1] == 'music':
text = (
"\\set Staff.fontSize = #-1\n"
"\\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -1)\n")
text = (
"fontSize = #-1\n"
"\\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -1)")
if state[-1] == 'new':
text = '\\with {\n%s\n}' % text
elif state[-1] not in ('context', 'with'):
text = '\\context {\n\\Staff\n%s\n}' % text
if state[-1] != 'layout':
text = '\\layout {\n%s\n}' % text
<snippet id="next_blank_line">
<title>Nächste Leerzeile</title>
<body>-*- python; indent: no;
import cursortools
def main():
block = cursortools.next_blank(cursor.block())
if block:
cursor.setPosition(block.position() + block.length() - 1)
return cursor
<snippet id="repeatunfold">
<title>Repeat unfold</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- menu: blocks; name: repunf; selection: strip;
\repeat unfold 2$CURSOR { $SELECTION }</body>
<snippet id="tagline_date_version">
<title>Tagline mit Datum und LilyPond-Version</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>tagline = \markup {
Engraved at
\simple #(strftime "%Y-%m-%d" (localtime (current-time)))
with \with-url #""
\line { LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( }
<snippet id="tactus">
<title>Taktart (Zahl mit Note)</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: tac;
\once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'text = \markup {
\override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5)
\column { \number $CURSOR1$ANCHOR \tiny \note #"2" #-.6 }
<snippet id="n650477">
<shortcuts />
<body> titlesize = 8 </body>
<snippet id="n221947">
<shortcuts />
<body>\key c \major
% major=dur, minor=moll,
% 1# g-dur & e-moll, 2# d-dur und h-moll, 3# a-dur und fis-moll, 4# e-dur und cis-moll, 5# h-dur und gis-moll 6# fis-dur und dis-moll
% 1b f-dur und d-moll,2b b-dur und g-moll, 3b es-dur und c-moll, 4b as-dur und f-moll, 5b des-dur und b-moll, 6b ges-dur und es-moll
<snippet id="n732103">
<title>Unterstreichen textstrophe</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>\\underline { }</body>
<snippet id="repeat">
<body>-*- menu: blocks; name: rep; selection: strip; symbol: bar_repeat_start;
\repeat volta 2 { $SELECTION }</body>
<snippet id="n175158">
<title>Wiederholung textstrophe</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>\\repStart \\repStop</body>
<snippet id="next_blank_line_select">
<title>Wähle bis zur nächsten Leerzeile aus</title>
<body>-*- python; indent: no;
import cursortools
def main():
block = cursortools.next_blank(cursor.block())
if block:
cursor.setPosition(block.position() + block.length() - 1, cursor.KeepAnchor)
return cursor
<snippet id="previous_blank_line_select">
<title>Wähle bis zur vorherigen Leerzeile aus</title>
<body>-*- python; indent: no;
import cursortools
def main():
block = cursortools.previous_blank(cursor.block())
if block:
cursor.setPosition(block.position() + block.length() - 1, cursor.KeepAnchor)
return cursor
<snippet id="removelines">
<title>Zeile(n) löschen</title>
<body>-*- python;
import cursortools
def main():
start = end = cursortools.block(cursor)
while end.position() + end.length() < cursor.selectionEnd():
end =
cursor.setPosition(end.position(), cursor.KeepAnchor)
cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfBlock, cursor.KeepAnchor)
cursor.movePosition(cursor.NextBlock, cursor.KeepAnchor)
<snippet id="header">
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: h; menu: blocks;
\header {
title = "$CURSOR"
composer = ""
tagline = \markup {
Engraved at
\simple #(strftime "%Y-%m-%d" (localtime (current-time)))
with \with-url #""
\line { LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( }
<snippet id="onceoverride">
<title />
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: oo;
\once \override </body>
<snippet id="1voice">
<title />
<body>-*- name: 1v;
<snippet id="score">
<title />
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- menu: blocks;
\score {
\layout {}
\midi {}
<snippet id="stanza1">
<title />
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: s1;
\set stanza = "1."
<snippet id="stanza2">
<title />
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: s2;
\set stanza = "2."
<snippet id="stanza3">
<title />
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: s3;
\set stanza = "3."
<snippet id="stanza4">
<title />
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: s4;
\set stanza = "4."
<snippet id="stanza5">
<title />
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: s5;
\set stanza = "5."
<snippet id="stanza6">
<title />
<shortcuts />
<body>-*- name: s6;
\set stanza = "6."
<snippet id="voice4">
<title />
<body>-*- name: v4;
<snippet id="voice1">
<title />
<body>-*- name: v1;
<snippet id="voice3">
<title />
<body>-*- name: v3;
<snippet id="voice2">
<title />
<body>-*- name: v2;
<snippet id="n597649">
<shortcuts />
<body>„ “</body>
<snippet id="n431314">
<shortcuts />
<snippet id="n301803">
<title>bridge noten</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>bridge = \relative c'' {
\repeat volta2{
d2 a2
\tuplet3/2{g4 a h} fis2
d'2 a2
d4 cis h r4^\markup{3x}
\bar "|."
<snippet id="n630496">
<title>bridge noten</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>bridge = \relative c'' {
\repeat volta2{
d2 a2
\tuplet3/2{g4 a h} fis2
d'2 a2
d4 cis h r4^\markup{3x}
\bar "|."
<snippet id="n166584">
<title>bridge text + einbau in group-verses</title>
<shortcuts />
\score {
\chords { g2 d2 fis2 h2:m g2 d2 fis2 h4:m}
\new Staff { \bridge }
\addlyrics {
\set stanza = "Bridge:"
Jo, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. Jo, ho ho ho ho. }
>> \layout { \generalLayout }
<snippet id="n548402">
<shortcuts />
<body>\fermata </body>
<snippet id="n124096">
<title>fett in textstrophe</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>\\bold { }</body>
<snippet id="n650709">
<title>klammern gepunktet</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>\once \slurDotted c4</body>
<snippet id="n405405">
<title>klammern gepunktet ignorieren:</title>
<shortcuts />
<body> \set ignoreMelismata = ##t dei -- ner \unset ignoreMelismata
<snippet id="n484766">
<title>klammern um Akkord in textstrophe</title>
<shortcuts />
<snippet id="n875332">
<title>klammern um textstrophe</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>\\concat{\\char ##x28 Klammer} auf und Klammer \\concat{zu \\char ##x29 }"</body>
<snippet id="n142264">
<title>kursiv in textstrophe</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>\\italic { }</body>
<snippet id="n665054">
<title>markup unter den Noten</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>_\markup {\italic "čaj’ šukarije!"}</body>
<snippet id="n999473">
<title>markup über den Noten</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>^\markup {\italic "čaj’ šukarije!"}</body>
<snippet id="n657891">
<shortcuts />
<body>% nach HEADER = \bookpart {
\paper {
%page-count = #1
<snippet id="n886515">
<shortcuts />
<body>\override #'(verse-hspace . 2) % horizontaler Abstand zwischen den Spalten
\override #'(verse-vspace . 2) % vertikaler Abstand zwischen den Zeilen
\override #'(verse-cols . 2) % Anzahl der Spalten
% vspace funktioniert hier nicht mehr!
\group-verses {
\chordverse #"8."
#" "
\chordverse #"9."
#" "
\chordverse #"10."
#" "
} </body>
<snippet id="n356662">
<shortcuts />
<body>\time 4/4</body>
<snippet id="n365782">
<shortcuts />
<body>– </body>
<snippet id="n190592">
<shortcuts />
<body>\tuplet 3/2{cis4 d e} </body>
<snippet id="n721746">
<title>wiederholung mit klammer 1 und 2</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>\repeat volta 2 {
c4 g'8 g4 g8
g4 d8 d4 d8
f4 f8 f (g) f }
\alternative {
{g es4~es4 es8}
{g4 d8 d d4}
<snippet id="n821959">
<title>zweite Stimme in die Notenzeile</title>
<shortcuts />
<body>{ "noten einzelstimme" << { \voiceOne "noten"
} \new Voice { \voiceTwo \secondVoiceStyle "noten"
}} >> \oneVoice</body>
Reference in New Issue
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