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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
5884ab9d2c rework authorsystem
* add translation, interlude, bridge and meloverse
* fix rendering bugs
2024-05-12 18:31:39 +02:00
199f515be9 fix verse-chord multiple transpose problem 2024-05-12 16:13:56 +02:00
2 changed files with 44 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#(use-modules (ice-9 receive))
#(define-markup-command (print-songinfo layout props) ()
(define (songinfo-from songId key)
(let ((song (if (defined? 'SONG_DATA) (assoc-ref SONG_DATA songId) #f)))
@ -62,17 +63,26 @@
(define (render-contribution-group contributionPrefix authorIds)
(string-append contributionPrefix " " (string-join (format-authors authorIds) ", "))
(if (null? authorIds)
(string-append contributionPrefix " " (string-join (format-authors authorIds) ", ")))
(define (render-partial-contribution-group prefixLookup authorData)
(map (lambda (authorEntry) (render-contribution-group (numbered-contribution-prefix (cdr authorEntry) prefixLookup) (list (car authorEntry)))) authorData)
" ")
(if (null? authorData)
(let ((firstAuthorContributions (cdar authorData)))
(receive (authorDataSame authorDataOther)
(partition (lambda (authorEntry) (equal? (cdr authorEntry) firstAuthorContributions)) authorData)
(render-contribution-group (numbered-contribution-prefix firstAuthorContributions prefixLookup) (map car authorDataSame))
" "
(render-partial-contribution-group prefixLookup authorDataOther)
(define (join-present items)
(string-join (filter string? items) "; ")
(define (join-present items joiner)
(string-join (filter (lambda (item) (and (string? item) (not (string-null? (string-trim-both item))))) items) joiner)
(define (poet-and-composer-from-authors authors)
@ -87,6 +97,10 @@
(compositionIds (find-author-ids-by 'composition authors))
(bridgeIds (find-author-ids-by 'bridge authors))
(interludeIds (find-author-ids-by 'interlude authors))
(year_text (chain-assoc-get 'header:year_text props #f))
(year_translation (chain-assoc-get 'header:year_translation props #f))
(year_melody (chain-assoc-get 'header:year_melody props #f))
(year_composition (chain-assoc-get 'header:year_composition props #f))
(if (and (equal? poetIds composerIds) (null? translatorIds) (null? versePoetData) (null? verseComposerData) (null? voiceComposerData) (null? compositionIds) (null? bridgeIds) (null? interludeIds))
@ -98,41 +112,35 @@
(ly:output-def-lookup layout 'poetPrefix)
" "
(join-present (list
(if (not (null? poetIds))
(join-present (list
(render-contribution-group "" poetIds)
(if (not (null? versePoetData))
(render-partial-contribution-group 'versePrefix versePoetData)
(if (not (null? translatorIds))
) ", ")
(render-partial-contribution-group 'versePrefix versePoetData)
(join-present (list
(render-contribution-group (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'translationPrefix) translatorIds)
) ", ")
) "; ")
(if (and (null? composerIds) (null? compositionIds) (null? verseComposerData) (null? voiceComposerData) (null? bridgeIds) (null? interludeIds)) #f
(ly:output-def-lookup layout 'composerPrefix)
" "
(join-present (list
(if (not (null? composerIds))
(join-present (list
(render-contribution-group "" composerIds)
(if (not (null? verseComposerData))
(render-partial-contribution-group 'versePrefix verseComposerData)
(if (not (null? voiceComposerData))
(render-partial-contribution-group 'voicePrefix voiceComposerData)
(if (not (null? compositionIds))
) ", ")
(render-partial-contribution-group 'versePrefix verseComposerData)
(render-partial-contribution-group 'voicePrefix voiceComposerData)
(join-present (list
(render-contribution-group (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'compositionPrefix) compositionIds)
(if (not (null? bridgeIds))
(render-contribution-group (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'bridgePrefix) bridgeIds)
(if (not (null? interludeIds))
(render-contribution-group (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'interludePrefix) interludeIds)
) ", ")
(render-contribution-group (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'bridgePrefix) bridgeIds)
(render-contribution-group (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'interludePrefix) interludeIds)
) "; ")
(list #f #f)
@ -152,8 +160,8 @@
(copyright (chain-assoc-get 'header:copyright props #f))
(translation (chain-assoc-get 'header:translation props #f))
(pronunciation (chain-assoc-get 'header:pronunciation props #f))
(year_text (chain-assoc-get 'header:year_text props #f))
(year_melody (chain-assoc-get 'header:year_melody props #f)))
(year_text (if (string? (car poet-and-composers)) #f (chain-assoc-get 'header:year_text props #f)))
(year_melody (if (string? (car poet-and-composers)) #f (chain-assoc-get 'header:year_melody props #f))))
#:override (cons 'songinfo:poet-maybe-with-composer
(if (and poet-maybe-with-composer (not (and (string? poet-maybe-with-composer) (string-null? poet-maybe-with-composer)))) poet-maybe-with-composer #f))

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@ -232,12 +232,12 @@
\markup {
\override #`(baseline-skip . ,intraverse-vspace)
\pad-left #-10
\pad-left #-5
\score-equal-height #verse-line-height \score-lines {
\new Devnull { #(if (ly:music? verse-break-voice) verse-break-voice) }
#(if (ly:music? verse-chords) verse-chords #{ \chords { \verseChords } #})
#(if (ly:music? verse-chords) (music-clone verse-chords) #{ \chords { \verseChords } #})
\new NullVoice { #(if (ly:music? verse-reference-voice) verse-reference-voice #{ \global \firstVoice #}) }
\addlyrics { #lyrics }
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
\context {
\override = #'(fixed-space . 10.0)
\override = #'(fixed-space . 5.0)