neues System für Autorenangaben
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
\language "deutsch"
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
\paper {
authorMarkup =
(lambda (layout props m)
(let ((name (chain-assoc-get 'author:name props #f))
(trail_name (chain-assoc-get 'author:trail_name props #f))
(birth_year (chain-assoc-get 'author:birth_year props #f))
(death_year (chain-assoc-get 'author:death_year props #f))
(organization (chain-assoc-get 'author:organization props #f))
(string-present (lambda (str) (and str (not (and (string? str) (string-null? str))))))
(render_informations (lambda (infolist) (string-append (car infolist) (if (null? (cdr infolist)) "" (string-append " (" (string-join (cdr infolist) ", ") ")")))))
(interpret-markup layout props
(if (or (string-present trail_name) (string-present name))
(render_informations (filter string-present (list
(if (and (string-present birth_year) (string-present death_year))
(ly:format "~a‒~a" birth_year death_year)
(if (string-present birth_year)
(ly:format "*~a" birth_year)
(if (string-present death_year) (ly:format "†~a" death_year) "")))
poetMarkup = \markup { "Worte:" \fromproperty #'author }
composerMarkup = \markup { "Weise:" \fromproperty #'author }
poetAndComposerEqualMarkup = \markup { "Worte und Weise:" \fromproperty #'author }
@ -1,8 +1,30 @@
\paper {
poetPrefix = "Worte:"
composerPrefix = "Weise:"
poetAndComposerEqualPrefix = "Worte und Weise:"
authorFormat =
#(lambda (noDetails name trail_name birth_year death_year organization)
(let ((string-present (lambda (str) (and str (not (and (string? str) (string-null? str))))))
(render_informations (lambda (infolist) (string-append (car infolist) (if (or noDetails (null? (cdr infolist))) "" (string-append " (" (string-join (cdr infolist) ", ") ")"))))))
(if (or (string-present trail_name) (string-present name))
(render_informations (filter string-present (list
(if (and (string-present birth_year) (string-present death_year))
(ly:format "~a‒~a" birth_year death_year)
(if (string-present birth_year)
(ly:format "*~a" birth_year)
(if (string-present death_year) (ly:format "†~a" death_year) "")))
songinfoMarkup =
(lambda (layout props m)
(let ((between-poet-and-composer-markup (chain-assoc-get 'header:between-poet-and-composer-markup props (make-hspace-markup 3)))
(let* ((between-poet-and-composer-markup (chain-assoc-get 'header:between-poet-and-composer-markup props (make-hspace-markup 3)))
(poet-maybe-with-composer (chain-assoc-get 'songinfo:poet-maybe-with-composer props #f))
(composer (chain-assoc-get 'songinfo:composer props #f))
(copyright (chain-assoc-get 'songinfo:copyright props #f))
@ -10,16 +32,22 @@
(translation (chain-assoc-get 'songinfo:translation props #f))
(pronunciation (chain-assoc-get 'songinfo:pronunciation props #f))
(year_text (chain-assoc-get 'songinfo:year_text props #f))
(year_melody (chain-assoc-get 'songinfo:year_melody props #f)))
(year_melody (chain-assoc-get 'songinfo:year_melody props #f))
(poet-with-year (if (and poet-maybe-with-composer year_text) (string-append poet-maybe-with-composer ", " year_text) poet-maybe-with-composer))
(composer-with-year (if (and composer year_melody) (string-append composer ", " year_melody) composer))
(poet-and-composer-oneliner (if (and poet-with-year composer-with-year) (markup poet-with-year between-poet-and-composer-markup composer-with-year) #f))
(current-line-width (chain-assoc-get 'line-width props (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-width))))
(stack-lines DOWN 0.0 (chain-assoc-get 'baseline-skip props)
(interpret-markup-list layout props
(make-wordwrap-internal-markup-list #t (list
(if poet-maybe-with-composer (markup
(if year_text (make-concat-markup (list poet-maybe-with-composer ", " year_text)) poet-maybe-with-composer) between-poet-and-composer-markup) "")
(if composer (if year_melody (make-concat-markup (list composer ", " year_melody)) composer) "")))
(if (and poet-and-composer-oneliner (< (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent (interpret-markup layout props poet-and-composer-oneliner) X)) current-line-width))
(list poet-and-composer-oneliner)
(make-wordwrap-string-internal-markup-list #t (string-append
(if poet-with-year (string-append "\n\n" poet-with-year) "")
(if composer-with-year (string-append "\n\n" composer-with-year) "")
(make-wordwrap-string-internal-markup-list #t (string-append
(if copyright (string-append "© " copyright) "")
(if copyright (string-append "\n\n© " copyright) "")
(if infotext (string-append "\n\n" infotext) "")
(if translation (string-append "\n\nÜbersetzung: " translation) "")
(if pronunciation (string-append "\n\nAussprache: " pronunciation) ""))))))))
@ -5,36 +5,59 @@
(assoc-ref song key)
(ly:warning (ly:format "song with id ~a not found" songId)))))
(define (format-author authorId)
(define (format-author authorId noDetails)
(let ((author (if (defined? 'AUTHOR_DATA) (assoc-ref AUTHOR_DATA authorId) #f)))
(if author
#:override (cons 'author:name (assoc-ref author "name"))
#:override (cons 'author:trail_name (assoc-ref author "trail_name"))
#:override (cons 'author:birth_year (assoc-ref author "birth_year"))
#:override (cons 'author:death_year (assoc-ref author "death_year"))
#:override (cons 'author:organization (assoc-ref author "organization"))
(ly:output-def-lookup layout 'authorMarkup))
((ly:output-def-lookup layout 'authorFormat)
(assoc-ref author "name")
(assoc-ref author "trail_name")
(assoc-ref author "birth_year")
(assoc-ref author "death_year")
(assoc-ref author "organization")
(ly:warning (ly:format "author with id ~a not found" authorId)))))
(define (format-poet poetId)
(markup #:override (cons 'author (format-author poetId)) (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'poetMarkup)))
(string-append (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'poetPrefix) " " (format-author poetId #f)))
(define (format-composer composerId)
(markup #:override (cons 'author (format-author composerId)) (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'composerMarkup)))
(string-append (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'composerPrefix) " " (format-author composerId #f)))
(define (format-poet-and-composer authorId)
(markup #:override (cons 'author (format-author authorId)) (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'poetAndComposerEqualMarkup)))
(string-append (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'poetAndComposerEqualPrefix) " " (format-author authorId #f)))
(define (find-authors-by authorType authors)
(filter-map (lambda (authordata) (if (member authorType authordata) (car authordata) #f)) authors)
(define (poet-and-composer-from-authors authors)
(if authors
(let* (
(poetIds (find-authors-by 'text authors))
(composerIds (find-authors-by 'melody authors))
(poets (map (lambda (poetId) (format-author poetId #f)) poetIds))
(composers (map (lambda (composerId) (format-author composerId (member composerId poetIds))) composerIds)))
(if (equal? poetIds composerIds)
(list (string-append (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'poetAndComposerEqualPrefix) " " (string-join poets ", ")) #f)
(string-append (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'poetPrefix) " " (string-join poets ", "))
(string-append (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'composerPrefix) " " (string-join composers ", ")))))
(list #f #f)
(interpret-markup layout props
(if (chain-assoc-get 'page:is-bookpart-last-page props #f)
(let* ((songId (chain-assoc-get 'header:songId props #f))
(let* ((authors (chain-assoc-get 'header:authors props #f))
(poet-and-composers (poet-and-composer-from-authors authors))
(songId (chain-assoc-get 'header:songId props #f))
(poetId (chain-assoc-get 'header:poetId props (if songId (songinfo-from songId "poet") #f)))
(composerId (chain-assoc-get 'header:composerId props (if songId (songinfo-from songId "composer") #f)))
(poet-and-composer-same (equal? poetId composerId)))
(let ((infotext (chain-assoc-get 'header:infotext props (chain-assoc-get 'header:songinfo props #f)))
(poet-maybe-with-composer (chain-assoc-get 'header:poet props (if poetId (if poet-and-composer-same (format-poet-and-composer poetId) (format-poet poetId)) #f)))
(composer (chain-assoc-get 'header:composer props (if (and composerId (not poet-and-composer-same)) (format-composer composerId) #f)))
(poet-maybe-with-composer (chain-assoc-get 'header:poet props (if poetId (if poet-and-composer-same (format-poet-and-composer poetId) (format-poet poetId)) (car poet-and-composers))))
(composer (chain-assoc-get 'header:composer props (if (and composerId (not poet-and-composer-same)) (format-composer composerId) (cadr poet-and-composers))))
(copyright (chain-assoc-get 'header:copyright props #f))
(translation (chain-assoc-get 'header:translation props #f))
(pronunciation (chain-assoc-get 'header:pronunciation props #f))
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