\version "2.18.0" \include "../../lilypond-custom-includes/base_config.ly" HEADER = \bookpart { \header { title = "Round and round" poet = "Worte und Weise: unbekannt" composer = " " categories = "" songinfo = "wasauchimmer" } } global = { %Takt \time 4/4 %Tonart \key a \minor } firstVerse = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1." Round and round the earth is tur -- ning tur -- ning al -- ways round to mor -- ning and from mor -- ning round to night. } firstVoice = \relative c' { \global a4 a e' e d c8 (h) a4 a e' e a a g f8 (e) e4 e d h c d h a8 (g) a2 \bar "|." } MUSIC = { << \chords { a1:m g2 a1:m a2:m d2 a:m g2 f e:m a:m } \new ChoirStaff = "firstStaff" << \new Voice = "firstVoice" { \firstVoice } \addlyrics { \firstVerse } >> >> } TEXT = \markuplist { \group-verses { \chordverse #"2." #"(Stro,a:m)phen(text,g) (G,a:m)ras (ist,c) (grĂ¼n,f)" } } % nur Output wenn noStandaloneOutput nicht gesetzt oder auf false steht output = #(if isStandAlone #{ \bookpart { \HEADER \score { \MUSIC \layout { \generalLayout } } \TEXT \score { \unfoldRepeats \MUSIC \midi { \context { \Score % Tempo des midi files tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 90 4) } } } } #} ) \book { \bookpart { \output } }