422 lines
20 KiB
422 lines
20 KiB
% embed all category images in postscript once
#(define-markup-list-command (embed-category-images layout props)()
(map (lambda (category)
(interpret-markup layout props
(markup #:epsfileembed (category-image-path (symbol->string (car category))))))
% print a markup-list in columns
#(define-markup-list-command (columnlayout layout props cols margin heightpair lines) (integer? number? pair? markup-list?)
(let create-col-page ((line-width (- (/ (chain-assoc-get 'line-width props
(ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-width))
cols) margin ))
(cols cols)
(height (car heightpair))
(restlines lines))
(interpret-markup layout props
(map (lambda (foo)
(make-general-align-markup Y UP (make-override-markup '(baseline-skip . 1) (make-column-markup
(let add-to-col ((lines restlines) (height-left height))
(set! restlines lines)
(if (null? lines)
(let* ((line-to-stencil (lambda (line) (interpret-markup layout (cons (list (cons 'line-width line-width) (cons 'baseline-skip 1)) props) (markup line))))
(stencil-height (lambda (stencil) (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent stencil Y))))
(linestencil (line-to-stencil (car lines)))
(current-line-height (stencil-height linestencil))
(new-height-left (- height-left current-line-height))
(next-line-height (if (null? (cdr lines)) current-line-height (stencil-height (line-to-stencil (cadr lines)))))
(no-space-for-next-line (and (< next-line-height current-line-height) (< new-height-left next-line-height)))
(if (or (< new-height-left 0) no-space-for-next-line)
(cons (markup #:stencil linestencil) (add-to-col (cdr lines) new-height-left))))))))))
(make-list cols))))
(if (null? restlines)
(create-col-page line-width cols (cdr heightpair) restlines)))))
%%%Funktionen für Inhaltsverzeichnis
% geklaut von da:
% http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Snippet?id=763
% Usage:
% - define and index item with \indexItem $sortstring $markup
% - use \indexSection $sortstring $markup to divide the index into several sections
% - display the alphabetical index with \markuplines \index
% code ist mostly taken from ./ly/toc-init.ly and just renamed and slightly modfied
%% defined later, in a closure
#(define*-public (add-index-item! markup-symbol text sorttext #:optional label) #f)
#(define-public (index-items) #f)
#(let ((index-item-list (list)))
(set! add-index-item!
(lambda* (markup-symbol text sorttext #:optional (label (gensym "index")))
(set! index-item-list
;; We insert index items sorted from the beginning on and do
;; not sort them later - this saves pretty much computing time
(insert-alphabetical-sorted! (list label markup-symbol text
;; this crazy hack is necessary because lilypond depends on guile 1.8 atm
;; and so the cool unicode conversion functions cannot be used
(ly:string-substitute " " ""
(ly:string-substitute "…" ""
(ly:string-substitute "Č" "C"
(ly:string-substitute "Đ" "D"
(ly:string-substitute "Т" "T"
(ly:string-substitute "Ä" "Ae"
(ly:string-substitute "ä" "ae"
(ly:string-substitute "Ö" "O"
(ly:string-substitute "ö" "oe"
(ly:string-substitute "Ü" "U"
(ly:string-substitute "ü" "ue" sorttext))))))))))))
(make-music 'EventChord
'page-marker #t
'page-label label
'elements (list (make-music 'LabelEvent
'page-label label)))))
(set! index-items (lambda ()
#(define (insert-alphabetical-sorted! iitem ilist)
(if (null? ilist)
(list iitem)
(if (string-ci<? (cadddr iitem) (cadddr (car ilist)))
(cons iitem ilist)
(cons (car ilist) (insert-alphabetical-sorted! iitem (cdr ilist))))))
% code for category index
#(define*-public (add-category-index-item! categories markup-symbol text #:optional label) #f)
#(define-public (category-index-items) #f)
#(let ((category-index-hash (make-hash-table)))
(set! add-category-index-item!
(lambda* (categories markup-symbol text #:optional (label (gensym "index")))
(for-each (lambda (category)
(let* ((catsym (string->symbol category))
(catlist (hashq-ref category-index-hash catsym
(list (list label 'indexCategoryMarkup category)))))
(if (assq catsym category-names)
(hashq-set! category-index-hash catsym
(cons (list label markup-symbol text) catlist))
(ly:error "song: <~a> category ~a is not defined!" (markup->string text) category))))
(make-music 'EventChord
'page-marker #t
'page-label label
'elements (list (make-music 'LabelEvent
'page-label label)))))
(set! category-index-items (lambda ()
(append-map (lambda (kv) (reverse (hashq-ref category-index-hash (car kv) (list)))) category-names))))
% code for author index
#(define*-public (add-author-index-item! authorIDs markup-symbol text #:optional label) #f)
#(define-public (author-index-items) #f)
#(let ((author-index-hash (make-hash-table)))
(set! add-author-index-item!
(lambda* (authorIDs markup-symbol text #:optional (label (gensym "index")))
(for-each (lambda (authorID)
(let* ((authorsym (string->symbol authorID))
(authorlist (hashq-ref author-index-hash authorsym
(list (list label 'indexAuthorMarkup authorID)))))
(hashq-set! author-index-hash authorsym
(cons (list label markup-symbol text) authorlist))
(make-music 'EventChord
'page-marker #t
'page-label label
'elements (list (make-music 'LabelEvent
'page-label label)))))
(set! author-index-items (lambda ()
(hash-fold (lambda (authorsym authorlist previous-author-items) (append previous-author-items (reverse authorlist))) '() author-index-hash))))
#(define-markup-command (with-link-symbol-ref layout props symbol arg)
(symbol? markup?)
"call with-link with the label referenced by symbol"
(let ((label (chain-assoc-get symbol props)))
(interpret-markup layout props
(markup #:with-link label arg))))
#(define-markup-command (category-image-symbol-ref layout props size symbol)
(number? symbol?)
"call category-image with the category referenced by symbol"
(let ((category (chain-assoc-get symbol props)))
(interpret-markup layout props
(markup #:category-image size category))))
#(define-markup-command (category-name-symbol-ref layout props symbol)
"get the name of a category referenced by symbol"
(let* ((category (chain-assoc-get symbol props))
(catname (assq (string->symbol category) category-names)))
(interpret-markup layout props
(markup #:override (cons 'baseline-skip 3.5) (if catname (make-left-column-markup (string-split (cadr catname) #\newline)) category)))))
#(define-markup-command (index-item-with-pattern layout props)()
(let* (
(text (chain-assoc-get 'index:text props))
(page (chain-assoc-get 'index:page props))
(width (-
(chain-assoc-get 'line-width props)
(interval-length (ly:stencil-extent (interpret-markup layout props "XXXX") X))))
(if (markup? text)
(list text)
(reverse (map (lambda (stil) (markup #:stencil stil))
(wordwrap-string-internal-markup-list layout
(cons (if (chain-assoc-get 'alternative text)
(list (cons 'line-width width) (cons 'font-shape 'italic))
(list (cons 'line-width width))) props) #f
(chain-assoc-get 'rawtext text))))))
(last-line-with-dots (make-fill-with-pattern-markup 1 RIGHT "." (car lines-reversed) page))
(lines-without-dots (cdr lines-reversed))
(make-simple-markup "Agj")
(make-vspace-markup 0.2))))
(interpret-markup layout props
(make-size-box-to-box-markup #f #t
(make-with-link-symbol-ref-markup 'index:label
(reverse (cons
(map (lambda (m) (make-size-box-to-box-markup #f #t m target-line-size-markup)) lines-without-dots)))))
; this column is just to have a reference height for resizing
(reverse (map (lambda (m) (make-size-box-to-box-markup #f #t m target-line-size-markup)) (cons last-line-with-dots lines-without-dots))))
\paper {
indexItemMarkup = \markup {
indexSectionMarkup = \markup \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.5) \left-column {
\sans \bold \fontsize #3 \fromproperty #'index:text
indexCategoryMarkup = \markup \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.5) \column {
\fill-line { \line { \vcenter \category-image-symbol-ref #7 #'index:text \hspace #3 \vcenter \sans \bold \fontsize #3 \category-name-symbol-ref #'index:text } \null }
\vspace #.4
indexAuthorMarkup = \markup \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.5) \left-column {
\vspace #1
\sans \bold \fontsize #3
(lambda (layout props m)
(interpret-markup layout props
(make-justify-string-markup (format-author (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'authorFormat) (chain-assoc-get 'index:text props #f) #f))))
\vspace #.4
#(define (prepare-item-markup items layout)
(map (lambda (index-item)
(let ((label (car index-item))
(index-markup (cadr index-item))
(text (caddr index-item)))
(markup #:override (cons 'index:label label)
#:override (cons 'index:page (markup #:custom-page-number label -1))
#:override (cons 'index:text text)
(ly:output-def-lookup layout index-markup))))
#(define-markup-list-command (index-in-columns-with-title layout props index-type title-markup) (symbol? markup?)
( _i "Outputs index alphabetical sorted or in categories" )
(let ((items (case index-type
((alphabetical) index-items)
((categories) category-index-items)
((authors) author-index-items)))
(title (interpret-markup layout props title-markup)))
(cons title
(interpret-markup-list layout props
(make-columnlayout-markup-list songTocColumns 2
(let ((h (- (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'paper-height) 12)))
(cons (- h (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent title Y))) h))
(prepare-item-markup items layout))))))
indexItem =
#(define-music-function (parser location sorttext text) (string? markup?)
"Add a line to the alphabetical index, using the @code{indexItemMarkup} paper variable markup."
(add-index-item! 'indexItemMarkup text sorttext))
indexSection =
#(define-music-function (parser location sorttext text) (string? markup?)
"Add a section line to the alphabetical index, using @code{indexSectionMarkup} paper variable markup. This can be used to divide the alphabetical index into different sections, for example one section for each first letter."
(add-index-item! 'indexSectionMarkup text sorttext))
#(define (extract-and-check-vars-from-header bookheader varlist)
(let* ((headervars (hash-map->list cons (struct-ref (ly:book-header bookheader) 0)))
(extract-var-and-check (lambda (headervar)
(let* ((variableref (assoc-ref headervars headervar))
(extracted (if variableref (variable-ref variableref) #f)))
(if (and extracted (not (and (string? extracted) (string-null? extracted)))) extracted #f)))))
(map (lambda (varsymbol)
(cons varsymbol (extract-var-and-check varsymbol))
) varlist)))
headerToTOC = #(define-music-function (parser location header label) (ly:book? symbol?)
(define (all-author-ids authors)
(let ((poetIds (find-author-ids-by 'text authors))
(translatorIds (find-author-ids-by 'translation authors))
(versePoetData (find-author-id-with-part-numbers 'verse authors))
(composerIds (find-author-ids-by 'melody authors))
(verseComposerData (find-author-id-with-part-numbers 'meloverse authors))
(voiceComposerData (find-author-id-with-part-numbers 'voice authors))
(compositionIds (find-author-ids-by 'composition authors))
(bridgeIds (find-author-ids-by 'bridge authors))
(interludeIds (find-author-ids-by 'interlude authors)))
(append poetIds translatorIds (map car versePoetData) composerIds (map car verseComposerData) (map car voiceComposerData) compositionIds bridgeIds interludeIds))
(extractedheadervars (extract-and-check-vars-from-header header '(title starttext alttitle altalttitle categorytitle categories authors)))
(title (assq-ref extractedheadervars 'title))
(starttext (assq-ref extractedheadervars 'starttext))
(alttitle (assq-ref extractedheadervars 'alttitle))
(altalttitle (assq-ref extractedheadervars 'altalttitle))
(categorytitle (assq-ref extractedheadervars 'categorytitle))
(categories (assq-ref extractedheadervars 'categories))
(authors (assq-ref extractedheadervars 'authors))
(add-to-toc! (lambda (toctitle tocmarkup)
(add-index-item! 'indexItemMarkup tocmarkup toctitle label)))
(if categories (add-category-index-item! (string-tokenize categories) 'indexItemMarkup (cons (list (cons 'rawtext (if categorytitle categorytitle title))) '()) label))
(if authors (add-author-index-item! (all-author-ids authors) 'indexItemMarkup (cons (list (cons 'rawtext (if categorytitle categorytitle title))) '()) label))
(if starttext (add-to-toc! starttext (cons (list (cons 'rawtext starttext) (cons 'alternative #t)) '())))
(if alttitle (add-to-toc! alttitle (cons (list (cons 'rawtext alttitle) (cons 'alternative #t)) '())))
(if altalttitle (add-to-toc! altalttitle (cons (list (cons 'rawtext altalttitle) (cons 'alternative #t)) '())))
(if title (add-to-toc! title (cons (list (cons 'rawtext title)) '())) #{ #})
%% https://github.com/NalaGinrut/guile-csv/blob/master/csv/csv.scm
#(define* (sxml->csv sxml port #:key (delimiter #\,))
(let* ((d (string delimiter))
(csv (map (lambda (l) (string-join l d)) sxml)))
(for-each (lambda (l)
(format port "~a~%" l))
#(define csv-write sxml->csv)
#(define-markup-command (write-toc-csv layout props) ()
(define (csv-escape field)
(if (string-null? field)
(ly:string-substitute "\n" "\\n"
(ly:string-substitute "\"" "\\\"" field))
(define (format-authors authorIds)
(string-join (map (lambda (authorId) (format-author (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'authorFormat) authorId #f)) authorIds) ", "))
(define cr-regex (ly:make-regex "\r"))
(define crlf-regex (ly:make-regex "\r\n"))
(define para-sep-regex (ly:make-regex "\n[ \t\n]*\n[ \t\n]*"))
(define whitespace-regex (ly:make-regex "[ \t\n]+"))
(define leading-whitespace-regex (ly:make-regex "^[ \t\n]+"))
(define trailing-whitespace-regex (ly:make-regex "[ \t\n]+$"))
(define (cleanup-whitespaces str)
(ly:regex-replace leading-whitespace-regex
(ly:regex-replace trailing-whitespace-regex
(ly:regex-replace whitespace-regex str " ")
(define (format-info-paragraphs text)
(let* ((para-strings (ly:regex-split
(ly:regex-replace crlf-regex text "\n")
(para-lines (map cleanup-whitespaces para-strings)))
(string-join para-lines "\n")))
(define (generate-toc-csv labelPageTable)
(let ((song-lines (map (lambda (song)
(let* ((filename (symbol->string (car song)))
(songvars (cdr song))
(page-number (number->string (assoc-get (assq-ref songvars 'label) labelPageTable)))
(extractedheadervars (extract-and-check-vars-from-header (assq-ref songvars 'header)
'(title starttext alttitle altalttitle categorytitle categories authors year_text year_melody year_translation year_composition infotext translation pronunciation copyright source)))
(headervar-or-empty (lambda (varsym)
(let ((extracted (assq-ref extractedheadervars varsym)))
(if extracted extracted ""))))
(authors (assq-ref extractedheadervars 'authors))
(poetIds (find-author-ids-by 'text authors))
(translatorIds (find-author-ids-by 'translation authors))
(versePoetData (find-author-id-with-part-numbers 'verse authors))
(composerIds (find-author-ids-by 'melody authors))
(verseComposerData (find-author-id-with-part-numbers 'meloverse authors))
(voiceComposerData (find-author-id-with-part-numbers 'voice authors))
(compositionIds (find-author-ids-by 'composition authors))
(bridgeIds (find-author-ids-by 'bridge authors))
(interludeIds (find-author-ids-by 'interlude authors)))
(map csv-escape
(headervar-or-empty 'title)
(headervar-or-empty 'starttext)
(headervar-or-empty 'alttitle)
(headervar-or-empty 'altalttitle)
(headervar-or-empty 'categorytitle)
(headervar-or-empty 'categories)
(format-authors (append poetIds (map car versePoetData)))
(format-authors translatorIds)
(format-authors (append composerIds compositionIds bridgeIds interludeIds (map car voiceComposerData) (map car verseComposerData)))
(headervar-or-empty 'year_text)
(headervar-or-empty 'year_melody)
(headervar-or-empty 'year_translation)
(headervar-or-empty 'year_composition)
(headervar-or-empty 'copyright)
(headervar-or-empty 'source)
(format-info-paragraphs (headervar-or-empty 'infotext))
(format-info-paragraphs (headervar-or-empty 'translation))
(format-info-paragraphs (headervar-or-empty 'pronunciation))
(alist-delete 'imagePage (alist-delete 'emptyPage song-list)))))
(call-with-output-file "toc.csv"
(lambda (port)
(csv-write (cons '(
) song-lines) port))
; we use a delayed stencil to have all the page references available
,(delay (let* ((table (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'label-page-table)))
(generate-toc-csv (if (list? table) table '()))