%% http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=336 %% see also http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1228 %% Usage: %% \new Staff \with { %% \override RestCollision.positioning-done = #merge-rests-on-positioning %% } << \somevoice \\ \othervoice >> %% or (globally): %% \layout { %% \context { %% \Staff %% \override RestCollision.positioning-done = #merge-rests-on-positioning %% } %% } %% %% Limitations: %% - only handles two voices %% - does not handle multi-measure/whole-measure rests #(define (rest-score r) (let ((score 0) (yoff (ly:grob-property-data r 'Y-offset)) (sp (ly:grob-property-data r 'staff-position))) (if (number? yoff) (set! score (+ score 2)) (if (eq? yoff 'calculation-in-progress) (set! score (- score 3)))) (and (number? sp) (<= 0 2 sp) (set! score (+ score 2)) (set! score (- score (abs (- 1 sp))))) score)) #(define (merge-rests-on-positioning grob) (let* ((can-merge #f) (elts (ly:grob-object grob 'elements)) (num-elts (and (ly:grob-array? elts) (ly:grob-array-length elts))) (two-voice? (= num-elts 2))) (if two-voice? (let* ((v1-grob (ly:grob-array-ref elts 0)) (v2-grob (ly:grob-array-ref elts 1)) (v1-rest (ly:grob-object v1-grob 'rest)) (v2-rest (ly:grob-object v2-grob 'rest))) (and (ly:grob? v1-rest) (ly:grob? v2-rest) (let* ((v1-duration-log (ly:grob-property v1-rest 'duration-log)) (v2-duration-log (ly:grob-property v2-rest 'duration-log)) (v1-dot (ly:grob-object v1-rest 'dot)) (v2-dot (ly:grob-object v2-rest 'dot)) (v1-dot-count (and (ly:grob? v1-dot) (ly:grob-property v1-dot 'dot-count -1))) (v2-dot-count (and (ly:grob? v2-dot) (ly:grob-property v2-dot 'dot-count -1)))) (set! can-merge (and (number? v1-duration-log) (number? v2-duration-log) (= v1-duration-log v2-duration-log) (eq? v1-dot-count v2-dot-count))) (if can-merge ;; keep the rest that looks best: (let* ((keep-v1? (>= (rest-score v1-rest) (rest-score v2-rest))) (rest-to-keep (if keep-v1? v1-rest v2-rest)) (dot-to-kill (if keep-v1? v2-dot v1-dot))) ;; uncomment if you're curious of which rest was chosen: ;;(ly:grob-set-property! v1-rest 'color green) ;;(ly:grob-set-property! v2-rest 'color blue) (ly:grob-suicide! (if keep-v1? v2-rest v1-rest)) (if (ly:grob? dot-to-kill) (ly:grob-suicide! dot-to-kill)) (ly:grob-set-property! rest-to-keep 'direction 0) (ly:rest::y-offset-callback rest-to-keep))))))) (if can-merge #t (ly:rest-collision::calc-positioning-done grob)))) generalLayout = \layout { \generalLayout \context { \Staff \override RestCollision.positioning-done = #merge-rests-on-positioning } }